Travel day

It’s a travel day, so not much time to write. Here’s a great election resource I had forgotten about – Ballotpedia. The link I’ve included jumps to an interesting analysis of the ranked increase in net worth by every member of Congress, since elected. It definitely pays to be in politics. Ballotpedia has much more information than the personal gain index – I’ll use it in the next elections.

We’ll miss at least half of the Super Bowl while traveling, but that’s no big deal. Not a pro football fan these days, and I can see any fun commercials on Youtube. My Dad would have loved the day, though.

Last thought before packing up, the last couple of UFO takedowns over Alaska and Canada are…weird. While I’d like to believe that a cylindrical object flying at 40K feet is/was extraterrestrial, the explanation is probably much more mundane. Maybe a drone. Though if it *was* ET, we just proved that we’re a dangerous, unfriendly species. There’s a scifi book or movie in there.