No grass growing under these feet

I have a busy week ahead. This being retired isn’t as simple as it used to be.

I’m doing an online panel discussion at Techvision Research’s 2021 Chrysalis event. Our subject is “Pragmatic Security and the Evolving Role of AI/ML/Analytics”. I didn’t select the topic – it’s a little too broad IMHO, but I can opine about it.

We’re meeting with a lawyer this week to update wills, family trust and estate plans. And maybe take action on the damnable fire suppression system.

There’s at least one World Series game and one UK basketball game to watch.

I have to go to Temecula and check on the resort / meeting space for an upcoming 4Liberty event, and finish the content we’ll use for a full day of discussions with technology advisors. Lots of deadline pressure here.

I have a meeting with another company to discuss starting a new project with/for them. The project involves new data center equipment.

On the home front, I want to make some time to buy a truckload of plants that we can plant on the property ahead of Christmas and the winter rains. And I have to install a new electronic water softener at the house. And hope it works as advertised.

I need to make some travel reservations for our upcoming, post-Thanksgiving Cabo trip. Fishing trip, some restaurant reservations, transportation to and from the resort.

Finally, I wanted to do a full NanoWrimo month. That’s looking unlikely given the other pile of stuff I’m committed to.

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