A little good news now and then

Lots of little things happening right now that make me want to believe that the 2020 shitshow is winding down a bit.

On the personal front, a tech company that I advise just won a large contract we’ve been working toward and hoping for since April. It’s great news for the 30+ people we’ve kept employed through the pandemic.

On the political front, Trump seems completely unable to stop his self-destruction act. And Biden seems wisely content to not distract him from that.

On the pandemic front, Russia has announced that they’ll release and distribute a COVID-19 vaccine in August. I count that as good news because it will ramp up the pressure to move faster on US-sponsored vaccines. While I have great respect for CDC and US health professionals’ guidelines for releasing safe and effective vaccines, if there were ever a time to be aggressive on the timelines it is now. A working vaccine frees up the economy by making it safe(r) for people to travel, work, play, etc. So good for Russia.

And finally, little Jessamine (pictured above) is enjoying his first family vacation, a socially-distanced visit to the shores of Lake Michigan.

It definitely helps to step back from the abyss that has swallowed most of 2020 and consider the good things in life still happening and possible. We’ll call it a good day – that’s one in a row.